AutoPlay Data Security & Sensitivity
Reviewed September 2019
This Policy is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with AutoPlay's Privacy Policy.
"AutoPlay Clients" – AutoPlay Clients are companies or individuals that pay or will intend to pay AutoPlay for use of AutoPlay products and services. This may include current and potential customers. AutoPlay Clients may include;
• Car dealerships (i.e Auckland City Toyota)
• OEM/Vehicle Importers/Brands/National Distributors (i.e Toyota NZ)
"Other 3rd Party Vendors" – In some cases AutoPlay will be required to work cooperatively with other vendors or 3rd party suppliers in the process of servicing an AutoPlay Client. AutoPlay will never share data with Other 3rd Party Vendors without express written consent provided by the AutoPlay Client. Examples of Other 3rd Party Vendors include;
• DMS/VMS Providers (i.e Systime)
• CRM Systems
• Specialised data integrators
• Other lead management tool
• Other 3rd Party vendors (i.e Finance companies)
• NZ Government Agencies
"Client Customers" – AutoPlay works with AutoPlay Clients who use AutoPlay software and applications to manage their own customer base. These customers are referred to as Client Customers. AutoPlay has no direct interaction with Client Customers, however, AutoPlay Clients utilise AutoPlay tools to interact with their own customers.
Data Sensitivity
1. Any data provided to AutoPlay for the purposes of email marketing will expressly remain the property of the AutoPlay Client.
a. If requested upon termination of the relationship or at a time nominated by the AutoPlay Client, AutoPlay will send the AutoPlay Client a final copy of the Contact Database and purge all records from the system.
b. Any data provided by the AutoPlay Client will be used ONLY for the purposes detailed by the AutoPlay Client and will not be further processed or disclosed without the consent of the AutoPlay Client
2. AutoPlay will not distribute or indirectly share any part of the Contact Database with any party other than the AutoPlay Client
3. All email marketing communications sent by AutoPlay on behalf of AutoPlay Clients will be sent as blind carbon copy (BCC) to prevent recipients gaining access to other email addresses.
Data Security
1. AutoPlay will take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity of data provided by the AutoPlay Client. Precautions will be undertaken to prevent any corruption or loss of data provided by the AutoPlay Client including but are not limited to;
a.All AutoPlay employees agree to follow Company directives with regards to data handling and protection in line with the then current privacy laws applicable in the jurisdiction in which it conducts business.
b. All AutoPlay employees have had adequate training to ensure that all data security protocols are followed.
c. All Contact Database records in the AutoPlay Studio are backed up in secure locations within Amazon Web Services (AWS).
2. AutoPlay agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure the protection and backup of all virtual data managed on behalf of the client.
a. All AutoPlay servers are located within a secure, 24 hour monitored data centre provider by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
b. AutoPlay's servers are firewall protected by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
c. Run recommended security patches for Windows Server and associated applications
d. Monitored weekly for unauthorised entry.
e. Data is accessed independently and isolated so is not accessible by unauthorised users
f. All database backups are password protected and feature a shutdown mechanism upon detection of any threats or attempts for unauthorised entry
g. AutoPlay Services are backed up by network support SLA with our AWS Infrastructure Provider
h. All systems protected with industry standard network security and anti-virus solutions
3. AutoPlay will work with the AutoPlay Client to ensure that upon commencement of loading data all passwords are strengthened to improve data security. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all users with access to the AutoPlay Studio have adequate password protection.
Database Management
1. Upon agreement of undertaking Email Marketing, AutoPlay will endeavour to maintain the Client Customer database through a variety of means including;
a. Where required AutoPlay will conduct initial cleansing of the database to ensure all contacts are VALID email addresses (i.e [email protected])
b. AutoPlay will manage all "bounce backs" of all undeliverable email. All undeliverable email alerts received must be forwarded to AutoPlay prior to subsequent communications to ensure the contact database remains up to date.
c. All bounce backs will be removed from AutoPlay's Client Customer Database.
d. All Opt Out Requests will be automatically removed from AutoPlay's Client Customer Database. AutoPlay is not responsible for any further client communication not managed by AutoPlay. Opt Out Requests will be processed in a timely and efficient manner.
2. AutoPlay will make available reports to active clients notifying them of invalid or undeliverable email addresses and all processed Opt Out Requests (See Ethical Marketing)
3. Where possible AutoPlay recommends setting up an email address for the express purposes of email marketing. In order for AutoPlay's to efficiently manage the Client Customer Database the client must forward all bounce backs and undeliverable emails.
Ethical Marketing
1. AutoPlay at all times advocate ethical marketing practices. These include;
a. Provision of an Opt Out function allowing recipients who wish to stop receiving email communications to notify AutoPlay and the AutoPlay Client of this intention.
i. Initially this will be achieved by a disclaimer asking the recipient to reply to the email with the text "Opt Out" in the subject line.
ii. Upon completion of development projects the recipient will be able to visit a link to choose what type of communication they wish to stop receiving.
b. All Opt Out requests will be processed before the next email communication is sent. Where possible AutoPlay will endeavour to update the database within 5 working days of receiving the Opt Out Request.
c. Future communication with the contact is at the discretion of the client but will in no way be supported by AutoPlay.
2. To ensure the identity and source of all email communication is transparent AutoPlay will send all emails clearly labelled 'On Behalf Of' the client. Typically, emails will be sent from [email protected] on behalf of [email protected].
Effective Email Marketing
1. AutoPlay will ensure that all campaign analysis is delivered within a reasonable and acceptable timeframe agreed upon by both parties.
2. Where full Contact Database records are provided, AutoPlay will provide reports including contact email addresses, names and phone numbers to ensure follow up work conducted by the client is able to be conducted quickly and efficiently.
3. AutoPlay will provide access to full reporting on Delivery Rates (when available), Open Rates, Read Rates, Bounce Rates and more. This information will be presented to clients in a simple, easy to understand format.
This Policy is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with AutoPlay's Privacy Policy.
"AutoPlay Clients" – AutoPlay Clients are companies or individuals that pay or will intend to pay AutoPlay for use of AutoPlay products and services. This may include current and potential customers. AutoPlay Clients may include;
• Car dealerships (i.e Auckland City Toyota)
• OEM/Vehicle Importers/Brands/National Distributors (i.e Toyota NZ)
"Other 3rd Party Vendors" – In some cases AutoPlay will be required to work cooperatively with other vendors or 3rd party suppliers in the process of servicing an AutoPlay Client. AutoPlay will never share data with Other 3rd Party Vendors without express written consent provided by the AutoPlay Client. Examples of Other 3rd Party Vendors include;
• DMS/VMS Providers (i.e Systime)
• CRM Systems
• Specialised data integrators
• Other lead management tool
• Other 3rd Party vendors (i.e Finance companies)
• NZ Government Agencies
"Client Customers" – AutoPlay works with AutoPlay Clients who use AutoPlay software and applications to manage their own customer base. These customers are referred to as Client Customers. AutoPlay has no direct interaction with Client Customers, however, AutoPlay Clients utilise AutoPlay tools to interact with their own customers.
Data Sensitivity
1. Any data provided to AutoPlay for the purposes of email marketing will expressly remain the property of the AutoPlay Client.
a. If requested upon termination of the relationship or at a time nominated by the AutoPlay Client, AutoPlay will send the AutoPlay Client a final copy of the Contact Database and purge all records from the system.
b. Any data provided by the AutoPlay Client will be used ONLY for the purposes detailed by the AutoPlay Client and will not be further processed or disclosed without the consent of the AutoPlay Client
2. AutoPlay will not distribute or indirectly share any part of the Contact Database with any party other than the AutoPlay Client
3. All email marketing communications sent by AutoPlay on behalf of AutoPlay Clients will be sent as blind carbon copy (BCC) to prevent recipients gaining access to other email addresses.
Data Security
1. AutoPlay will take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity of data provided by the AutoPlay Client. Precautions will be undertaken to prevent any corruption or loss of data provided by the AutoPlay Client including but are not limited to;
a.All AutoPlay employees agree to follow Company directives with regards to data handling and protection in line with the then current privacy laws applicable in the jurisdiction in which it conducts business.
b. All AutoPlay employees have had adequate training to ensure that all data security protocols are followed.
c. All Contact Database records in the AutoPlay Studio are backed up in secure locations within Amazon Web Services (AWS).
2. AutoPlay agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure the protection and backup of all virtual data managed on behalf of the client.
a. All AutoPlay servers are located within a secure, 24 hour monitored data centre provider by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
b. AutoPlay's servers are firewall protected by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
c. Run recommended security patches for Windows Server and associated applications
d. Monitored weekly for unauthorised entry.
e. Data is accessed independently and isolated so is not accessible by unauthorised users
f. All database backups are password protected and feature a shutdown mechanism upon detection of any threats or attempts for unauthorised entry
g. AutoPlay Services are backed up by network support SLA with our AWS Infrastructure Provider
h. All systems protected with industry standard network security and anti-virus solutions
3. AutoPlay will work with the AutoPlay Client to ensure that upon commencement of loading data all passwords are strengthened to improve data security. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all users with access to the AutoPlay Studio have adequate password protection.
Database Management
1. Upon agreement of undertaking Email Marketing, AutoPlay will endeavour to maintain the Client Customer database through a variety of means including;
a. Where required AutoPlay will conduct initial cleansing of the database to ensure all contacts are VALID email addresses (i.e [email protected])
b. AutoPlay will manage all "bounce backs" of all undeliverable email. All undeliverable email alerts received must be forwarded to AutoPlay prior to subsequent communications to ensure the contact database remains up to date.
c. All bounce backs will be removed from AutoPlay's Client Customer Database.
d. All Opt Out Requests will be automatically removed from AutoPlay's Client Customer Database. AutoPlay is not responsible for any further client communication not managed by AutoPlay. Opt Out Requests will be processed in a timely and efficient manner.
2. AutoPlay will make available reports to active clients notifying them of invalid or undeliverable email addresses and all processed Opt Out Requests (See Ethical Marketing)
3. Where possible AutoPlay recommends setting up an email address for the express purposes of email marketing. In order for AutoPlay's to efficiently manage the Client Customer Database the client must forward all bounce backs and undeliverable emails.
Ethical Marketing
1. AutoPlay at all times advocate ethical marketing practices. These include;
a. Provision of an Opt Out function allowing recipients who wish to stop receiving email communications to notify AutoPlay and the AutoPlay Client of this intention.
i. Initially this will be achieved by a disclaimer asking the recipient to reply to the email with the text "Opt Out" in the subject line.
ii. Upon completion of development projects the recipient will be able to visit a link to choose what type of communication they wish to stop receiving.
b. All Opt Out requests will be processed before the next email communication is sent. Where possible AutoPlay will endeavour to update the database within 5 working days of receiving the Opt Out Request.
c. Future communication with the contact is at the discretion of the client but will in no way be supported by AutoPlay.
2. To ensure the identity and source of all email communication is transparent AutoPlay will send all emails clearly labelled 'On Behalf Of' the client. Typically, emails will be sent from [email protected] on behalf of [email protected].
Effective Email Marketing
1. AutoPlay will ensure that all campaign analysis is delivered within a reasonable and acceptable timeframe agreed upon by both parties.
2. Where full Contact Database records are provided, AutoPlay will provide reports including contact email addresses, names and phone numbers to ensure follow up work conducted by the client is able to be conducted quickly and efficiently.
3. AutoPlay will provide access to full reporting on Delivery Rates (when available), Open Rates, Read Rates, Bounce Rates and more. This information will be presented to clients in a simple, easy to understand format.